We want to help more people in rural communities in Scotland hear the Word of God.

Our aims

DCS is able to provide financial support to churches with Charitable status that are developing Audio Visual (AV) systems for ministry to remote and rural locations of Scotland.  At the heart of DCS is the wish to see the promotion of spiritual growth and resilience in remote and rural communities of Scotland through Christian teaching and pastoral care

Our objectives

To financially support such churches to develop a reliable and suitable AV system, enabling them to preach God’s Word to their linkages or rural areas. In turn these churches can nurture Christians in these various remote communities developing a stronger local Christian presence. 

Our method

DCS is an independent group that invites these churches, who agree with our statement of Faith and whose aims are in line with those of DCS, to apply for funding to develop their AV systems. Following the receipt of an application, DCS will adhere to a timeline in which to respond and follow through the application process. 

Digital Connect Scotland Statement of faith

DCS believes that all Scripture is inspired by the breath of God and as such holds the word of truth for all people. (2 Timothy 3:16)

DCS believes that all people have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God Who, in His mercy, has presented Christ Jesus His Son as a sacrifice of atonement for our sins. Through faith in the blood of the crucified and risen Lord Jesus we are justified freely by His grace and are given the gift of eternal life.  (Romans 3:22-25)

Having received new life in Christ Jesus we are then given the great commission to go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything commanded by the Son. (Matthew 28:19-20)

Our statement of faith

Digital Connect Scotland AV Funding

Getting started

DCS requires an applicant representing a church fellowship to complete the application form within which the LEADER of the organisation has to agree and sign to the DCS Statement of Faith. 

we value a pre application meeting in person or via zoom to discuss the proposed application.

Our values

Our values are respect, dignity and faithful stewardship based upon behaviours arising from personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.  DCS is a voluntary group, non-profit driven, non-statutory and non-denominational.

Our people

  • Ruth Aird - Digital Connect Scotland

    Ruth Aird

    Ruth is a retired General Practice Nurse of 18 years, subsequently working for National Health Education for Scotland on the teaching programme for Practice Nurses across Scotland. She has been involved in Women’s Bible Ministry across rural areas in Romania since 2012 and for many years in Scotland particularly on the island of Mull. Ruth has authored three books and a set of CDs on Bible studies. She and her husband David are involved in Radio Ministry both at local level and on the internet. Her travels throughout Scotland have contributed to a passion for seeing Christ glorified in churches and Christian groups throughout the country particularly areas where churches are so far apart that Christian fellowship can become isolated.

  • David Aird - Digital Connect Scotland

    David Aird

    For a number of years I have been aware of the challenges of making the gospel message more available within my local community and further afield.

    Through the medium of local community radio I have, with a small team, been able to share the reality of Christian life through the broadcasting of testimony, Bible reflection and a wide range of music which give the listener an opportunity to reflect on their own life and the claims of Christ. The programme Heart of the Matter, which has been broadcasting for over fifteen years has been a way to share Christian faith in a readily accessible way.

    The opportunities of reaching remote communities in Scotland remain a challenge in many ways, but through Digital Connections Scotland I trust that the Good News of Jesus Christ can be extended and that important relationships can be built between individuals and Bible believing groups and Churches.

  • Reverend Dr Euan Dodds - Digital Connect Scotland

    The Reverend Dr Euan Dodds

    Euan Dodds serves as the minister of Kilmallie and Ardnamurchan Free Church. Prior to that he served in two city churches: St George's-Tron in Glasgow and Holyrood Evangelical in Edinburgh. This recent move took him from the most densely populated part of Scotland (Leith Walk/Easter Road) to the least densely populated (Lochaber).

    In recent months, the congregation have been experimenting with different modes of video-conferencing and live-streaming to the Ardnamurchan peninsula. Euan trained as a medical doctor and then studied at Cornhill Scotland and Highland Theological College. He is married to Helen and they have 3 daughters.

  • Ailsa Morgan - Digital Connect Scotland

    Ailsa Morgan

    Ailsa grew up in Edinburgh, trained as a Chartered Surveyor. She and her husband Colin spent some years In Portugal before returning to life in Edinburgh and Davidson’s Mains Parish Church where their family grew up. Subsequently she lived in rural Scotland and became aware of the fragile nature and sometimes absence of Christian teaching and pastoral care.

    God has laid on her heart to see remote and rural communities in Scotland being revitalised with God’s Word.