Application for Funding

Please read our introduction to Digital Connect Scotland (DCS) and the following explanatory notes before completing the application form.

It is the aim of DCS to help churches whose mission is to reach out to remote and rural areas with the gospel of Jesus Christ through digital means - helping to fund the provision of appropriate av communication systems and the necessary technical operating skills.

1. Application Process

Our application process is broken down into 3 stages:

A pre application meeting (in person or by zoom) with applicant and DCS team followed by a 2 part application submission:

Part 1: Provides DCS with general details of the applicant and their project. If this is approved by DCS we ask 3:16AVI (our professional advisors) to meet the applicant on site to discuss their project and technical requirements. DCS will use the information gathered by 3:16 AVI to ascertain whether DCS will invite the applicant to proceed with Part 2 of the application.

We have set out below further information to enable the applicant to complete the application form and to discern whether the criteria for funding from DCS meets with the aims and vision of the proposed project.

2. Our Criteria

Funding must be for a project where the aim and vision is to reach out with the gospel of Jesus Christ:

  • With teaching and pastoral care in line with our statement of faith 

  • Through live streaming audio visual communication system. Aiming to create a two way AV system with the receiving group

  • To a group, fellowship or linkage with geographical challenges 

  • Where this ‘group’ becomes an integral, living and active part of the teaching church

  • With the teaching church providing regular in person pastoral care 

  • Where the necessary technical skills to operate the proposed system are either in place or under training, both in the short and longer term

  • Into a location where there is or will be guaranteed adequate internet broadband connectivity

3. The Application Form


1. The Applicant - Please ensure that the applicant remains the same, where possible, for the duration of the application.

2. The Organisation - Clearly state the church and any parent denomination.

3. Role of Applicant - Please ensure that the applicant has the support of the church and state their role within the church

4. Please clearly explain the aim of your project and what the ultimate vision is for the community into which you intend to minister.


6. Approval in principle must have been given for the project by the church

7. Has a technical feasibility study been carried out and by whom? (To include connectivity requirements and availability)


8. You must submit a copy of at least TWO quotations with you application

9. Please thoroughly consider the need for training as part of the advice given by the AV company.

10. Please detail fully the experience of the technical team who will operate the proposed system

11. Please state clearly what funding is required - does the church or parent denomination have funds to contribute? Are there other funding sources secured or outstanding?

4. DCS Internal Process

After the initial enquiry to DCS a meeting will be arranged between DCS, our professional advisors and the team representing the applicant.


  • On receipt of Part 1 of the application an acknowledgement will be sent to the applicant within a week

  • At that time or as soon as after we may request further information to enable us to consider Part 1 of the application thoroughly.

  • DCS will advise the applicant if the general aims of the application are acceptable and if so……

  • DCS will instruct 3:16 AVI to contact the applicant to meet on site for technical evaluation of the application and report to DCS

  • At this point DCS will either invite the applicant to submit Part 2 of the application or advise the applicant that DCS is not able to support funding for the project


  • On receipt of Part 2 of the application all documents will be forwarded to the DCS team who will then take up to 4 weeks to make a final decision

  • If the applicant requests a further meeting with DCS this may extend the time taken to send out a decision on the application 

You can download the form and fill in digitally. Click on the button below and then save/download the form and open in Adobe Acrobat, fill in the form, save and send to us along with your quotations or you can print a hard copy and post to us along with your quotations.